I’m Tina… artist, software developer, college instructor, mother, wife. I love creating fluid art, whether on canvas, mannequins, jewelry, or tiles… anything that doesn’t move!

As a child, my artist mother inspired me with a love of painting. By grade school, I was painting landscapes in oils, and by college I had moved to more abstract expression. For my entire adult life, painting was a hobby - but when I discovered fluid art in 2019, it became a passion.

Fluid art provides an opportunity for me to disconnect from my analytical self. I get messy - really messy. I don’t aim for “perfect,” because perfection is subjective. The joy is in the process of creating something that I can share with others.

I consider myself extremely blessed to have found this outlet for my creative side, and I want to continue to learn, to grow, to experiment, and to make a lot more messes!
